Occurrences. Experiences. Observations.
Providing valuable market insight and property inspiration.
Happy New Year
The past two months have been eventful globally, with shifting leadership in Washington and developments in Syria and Lebanon offering both challenges and hope. Closer to home, a fragile ceasefire in Lebanon is a reminder that even small steps can bring progress and optimism.
We have finally moved into a buyer's market
London has experienced a vibrant summer in 2024. The city feels energised, with a sense of renewed hope. The installation of a new government has brought a cautious optimism, as many hope for more competent leadership after recent challenges.
Homes One June newsletter: The Summer market & UK election 2024
I cannot remember an election (or for that matter, a Summer) that has been so underwhelming so far!
Homes One May newsletter: Sifting through the noise
We are exposed to so much information and data these days and it is becoming harder to figure out the truth from the noise. This does not only apply to geopolitics and finance, but also to the London property market.
Homes One March newsletter: Spring Market 2024
I heard recently that it is scientifically proven that our mind needs 4 positive thoughts to cancel the impact of 1 negative thought. This seems to explain something I have always been aware of.; it’s so much easier for us to focus on the negative. We are almost drawn to it physiologically.
Homes One January newsletter: Happy new year 2024
The year of the dragon-in Chinese culture, the Dragon holds a significant place as an auspicious and extraordinary creature, unparalleled in talent and excellence. It symbolizes power, nobility, honor, luck, and success. Consequently, 2024 is forecasted to bring about opportunities, changes, and challenges…
Homes One November newsletter: A time to pause and reflect
The market has been strangely quiet for this time of year with subdued appetite from both sellers and buyers so I have been fortunate to have the time to take it all in. It does feel that it may pick up now in the run up to Christmas – and my observations on this further down this email.
Homes One April newsletter: stick or twist?
As a young boy in 1970's Beirut, where civil war was brewing, I was very lucky to move to London just before the full scale conflict broke out - but I saw and heard my fair share before leaving.
February Newsletter from Bazzi FM!
My wife and I decided to do a joint update this month... a small dose of Bazzi FM, if you like. See below, and hopefully you'll find enough in the way of a market summary in the interview.
October Newsletter - London property: an empty petrol station!
Welcome to the Homes One October newsletter - the only place where you can find clear parallels between petrol shortages, Andrex, and prime residential London property!
Market summary / our Knightsbridge outpost / silver linings.
Here's hoping everyone has had a good summer, and some respite from the difficulties of the past eighteen months.
July Newsletter - On Finding Your Place and Making a Home.
When we meditate, the stillness allows things to emerge that on the surface we don't often let through.
May Newsletter - Taking Inventory is Always a Good Idea!
Life has taught me that taking inventory is a healthy practice. When we take stock we can make informed decisions about how to move forward, what our approach and strategy should be, and critically, where we really are right now.
“I cannot imagine purchasing a property in London without Karim’s help anymore. With him, I am always confident that I will get the best value for money with minimal time wasted.”
— Aqib S. Fayyaz, Hotelier, Pakistan